4 Signs You’re Ready To Start A Business

When you’re ready, it’s not scary to start

Darius Foroux


Since the pandemic, more people have become self-employed. I recently read a story in The Wall Street Journal about how laid-off workers reinvented themselves as entrepreneurs.

A coach for a high-end fitness chain lost his work when the gyms closed. So he started providing clients one-on-one sessions in their homes or public parks. Eventually, his clients increased. And he’s since become a full-time entrepreneur and he earns much more than his previous salary.

Now, that’s a great story: Someone gets laid off, makes the best of their situation, and ends up being more successful than they previously were.

But starting a business is scary. Before we take the plunge, it’s natural to have doubts. Is this the right time? Am I even ready to start a business? Let’s look at the following signs that show you actually are ready (or not).

1. You’ve validated your business idea

When you find a match between what you love and what other people will pay for, then you’ve found a good business idea. It doesn’t even have to be something new. You don’t have to create the next Facebook. You can simply look at online business ideas that generate sustainable revenue and…



Darius Foroux

I write about productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance. Join my free weekly newsletter here: dariusforoux.com/wise-wealthy