5 Passive Income Ideas to Get Inevitably Rich

When executed well, these ideas will increase your net worth gradually

Darius Foroux


In 99 out of 100 cases, it takes years to get rich. But since the media loves highlighting that one person who got rich overnight with a few passive income ideas, many of us have a screwed-up idea of how people get wealthy.

While we know that get-rich-quick schemes never work (otherwise they wouldn’t be called that), most folks don’t know that building wealth is not that complicated.

The problem with getting rich is that it takes time. And in this impatient world, people just don’t want to wait. They want to be rich now.

But if you decide to go against the grain and commit to building long-term wealth, you will inevitably become wealthy if you do one thing: Increase your net worth every year.

The best way to make that happen is to have multiple income streams. If you only have one or two income streams right now, that’s fine. With consistency and time, you’ll eventually get there. It doesn’t happen overnight.

If you’re serious about building wealth over time, you will accomplish that goal because you control your behavior. When executed well, the following passive income ideas will increase your net worth gradually.

