A Morning Routine for People Who Don’t Want to Wake Up Early

Yes, you can be productive if you don’t wake up at 4 am

Darius Foroux


“Get up at 4 in the morning and get a cold shower!” It’s classic productivity advice that I feel like I hear every day from one source or another — whether it’s on YouTube, social media, a blog, or mainstream news websites.

It seems like everyone’s on the “waking up early” train for years. They want to make you believe that the earlier you wake up, the more successful you are.

I get the idea. But the time you wake up isn’t what matters. It’s what you do during the first hour you wake up that makes the difference! Having a morning routine is something that truly can change your life, regardless of what time you want to get out of bed.

I’ll share a morning ritual that works for everyone, even if you don’t like to wake up at 4 am. But before we talk about what I do in the morning, let’s talk about sleep.

How we feel in the morning largely depends on our sleep quality. But how do you know if you’ve had enough quality sleep? You probably read somewhere that we need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Others sleep 4 hours and feel fine.

Our bodies’ needs differ from one another. It’s important to know the optimal sleeping pattern…



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