Be a Finisher, Not a Starter
As soon as life gets hard, every single person’s instinct screams “QUIT!”
According to a study that was conducted for the Dutch Ministry of Education, 32% of university students quit in their first year.
I still remember when I was in my first year of studying business. After a few months, students started to drop out. They wanted to switch to different degrees. They thought another degree would make them happier.
1 in 3 that quits sounds very familiar to me. But quitting never popped up in my mind when I was studying.
One of the things I realized early on in my life is that education is not so much about what you learn (unless you want to be a lawyer, doctor, or in other specialized professions).
Education is about showing yourself and the world that you have the ability to finish what you start.
Showing up doesn’t require talent
A few years ago an image went viral called “10 things that take zero talent.” I can’t recall what was on the list, but the idea was that most things in our careers are about simply showing up and doing your best.
I don’t fully agree with this philosophy because every person has different natural abilities and strengths.