Focus On Feeling Good, and The Rest Will Come

Take your mood and energy seriously

Darius Foroux


How often do you feel GREAT during the day? As in, fully energized, in a good mood, and not a sign of tiredness in sight.

Think about the days when you don’t feel sluggish or unproductive. Instead, you’re focused and you’re getting things done. You feel good. And there is a rewarding feeling when you finish the day doing exactly what you wanted to do.

I have that feeling on the days I write. Just the process of writing gets me energized.

Now, these “great” days don’t happen everyday. And there are various factors that are out of our control (like a stressful work task, or a traffic jam) that can ruin our day.

But feeling great isn’t just a fleeting emotion. It’s something you can generate. It’s in your control.

Regardless of your job stress, relationship conflicts, or impending deadlines, the choice of feeling great is still yours.

And here are a few things that will help you to consistently feel great every day.

Have work you love

We spend most of our waking time at work or thinking about work. Hence, if you have work that you don’t like, it will have a negative impact on your life.



Darius Foroux

I write about productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance. Join my free weekly newsletter here: