Learn From Those Who Do

You can learn a lot by simply observing people

Darius Foroux
4 min readMay 7, 2024


When it comes to valuable skills and training, we must learn from people who successfully executed what we aim to learn. And avoid those who can only talk about it.

The other day I heard about a new marketing trick that many newsletters use to collect new subscribers.

When I looked at the website of the service, I saw they featured a few prominent newsletters as “users” of them. So I thought, “Let me see what that looks like on their websites.”

Guess what?! The first two I checked didn’t even use the service. They might’ve used it at some point, but they weren’t using it at the time I checked.

I decided to not look into the service for one reason: Actions are more important than words.

The out-of-shape personal trainer

Would you trust a personal trainer who’s out of shape? What about a writer who doesn’t have books with good reviews and sales numbers? When you ask people that question, most folks say:

“No. I’d rather listen to the person who practices what they preach.”

But here’s something funny. We often ask our peers for advice.



Darius Foroux

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