Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your Life

Darius Foroux
5 min readFeb 10, 2023

“Get more done by doing this!” “Do this and be more productive!” These are common headlines in the productivity space.

As a contrarian, I usually feel like I need to do the opposite when I see everyone doing something. Now, that’s not always a smart thing to do.

But when it comes to career, business, and productivity, it usually pays off if you do what’s counterintuitive.

So while everybody’s focused on doing more — what about doing the opposite?

Do less. Remove things. That’s because time is limited.

The Stoic and Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius said it best:

“Your energy and time are both limited, so don’t waste them on what those inconsequential to your life are doing, thinking, and saying.”

So let’s remove all those inconsequential things to make space for things that actually matter. Here are 4 things you can remove from your life to gain 20 extra hours each week.

1. Your to-do list

A cluttered to-do list leads to decision fatigue, which gets you stressed. “Analysis paralysis” is a thing. When you’re faced with too many…



Darius Foroux

I write about productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance. Join my free weekly newsletter here: