The Secret to Waking Up With a Smile

Find your purpose in love or in your career (or both)

Darius Foroux


There was a time I worked a job I didn’t like. My days were the same: Get up, work, hurry out of the office, rest on the weekends, and dread Monday.

To avoid the boredom that was my life, I watched every single good TV show and movie that came out. I became so into those that they became my main topic of conversation with others.

I even spent hours, jumping from one Wikipedia rabbit hole to another, learning useless information about the actors.

Another thing I loved to do? Checking out different restaurants and cities. I always had to do something every weekend. I couldn’t sit still because then the boredom would catch up.

Now, making plans or watching great cinema and series aren’t bad. They just become problematic when you use them purely as an escape.

Whenever I look back on my days as a direction-less corporate employee, I think, “What was I doing?”

When you’re not excited about your life, you always wake up with this bland feeling. Your days, months, and years start to blend together like one whole event.

Before you know it, you’re 60, sitting on some porch, wondering where all the years have gone.



Darius Foroux

I write about productivity, habits, decision making, and personal finance. Join my free weekly newsletter here: