Why You Always Sell Your Stocks at the Bottom (and How to Stop)


Darius Foroux
4 min readMar 15, 2023


If you sell your stocks now, you’re likely doing so at a loss.

In 2022, the S&P 500 closed down nearly 20%, its worst performance in 14 years. The technology index, Nasdaq 100, performed even worse at minus 28% on the year.

By the end of 2022, I started seeing more reports in the media about how individual investors stopped investing. Trading activity and net inflows started to go down.

In a WSJ article, one of those individual traders said:

“It was fun for a while, things were going up and down pretty fast.”

The latter part is when people start to lose interest. Here are the different stages of stock prices:

During the Collapse Stage, people usually get out because every investor has a breaking point.

No investor can take the pain of loss forever

Most individual investors get excited about stocks at the end of the Awareness and beginning of the Euphoria stage. During that time you can’t make mistakes in public…



Darius Foroux

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